"Only The Best Recommendations"

Find amazing places, with the best feedback of the community

Local’s Atlas is an app designed to promote «The best businesses». It uses the recommendation (word of mouth) as its main tool, by those people who already know a business and consider it worthy of their trust.

Local’s Atlas allows you to view the latest business recommendations near your current location «Home Atlas».

Save a business of your interest in «My Atlas», See which businesses your friends recommend «Friends Atlas».

Search for a business in the location you prefer «Local Atlas».

The best businesses at your fingertips

With Local’s Atlas you have the recommendation of what you need always at hand. Who more than your friends to recommend «Simply the best»

Find what you need

Whenever you need

Local Atlas allows you to find the closest places you need thanks to our geo-positioning search algorithm. With this we will only recommend you the best rated businesses near you.


Flexible Pricing For Every Session

Choose the right session packages for your well-being

Words From Happy Clients

Hear from hundreds of patients who have received support and care

Plan your Trip

Register the businesses you will visit during your trip, plan your activities and manage your time.

Recommendations and Suggestions

Send and receive recommendations, request a recommendation on the site in which you are.

Business Score

The score of a business in Local Atlas depends on the number and type of recommendations you receive, a good service will allow you to obtain greater popularity.


Create, manage, claim and recommend your business.


The graphs allow you to observe which is the most popular business according to the opinion of locals and tourists.


Do you have a question for a friend or have an interest in a business? Interact with the community using our chat tool.

Want to know more about Local's Atlas

Services, gallery, social networks, reviews, contacts, routes, opening hours, chat and everything you need to know about the business...

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Recommendations, suggestions, community, language/theme support and more settings to suit your requirements...

Search, proximity and positioning services, powered by Google

Friends, Locals and Travellers

Invite your friends and share businesses you trust with them.


Send and receive recommendations from a friend, locals or travelers who already know or are looking for a special business.

Promote a Business

Promotes small businesses. Where you lived a fantastic experience.

Business info

We’re visual !

You can always see what people are saying about a business

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Check the number of travelers who recommended a business.



Take into account the number of local people who like that site.

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Look at the total number of referrals the business has.



Take a look at some of the reviews that Atlers have left about their experience on the site.

What does the Local Atlas give you?


Range Map

Find nearby business recommendations, set distance limits for your searches



Google services will allow you to find a business more easily.


Plan your Trip

Create a personalized schedule of the sites you will visit during your trip


Your Business

Create your business, recommend it and share it with the Local’s Atlas community.

We are a team!

Wow... te ayuda a ubicar el negocio más cercano de lo que necesites, de lo que te imagines, de lo que quieras. 10/10🌹

9 de abril de 2022


9 de abril de 2022


21 de abril de 2022