
Frequently Asked Questions

Local’s Atlas is a social network that connects people with businesses in the form of recommendations from friends and locals, and an additional feature is the possibility to create your own business or service and promote yourself in your community.

Local’s Atlas allows you to find the closest business or services you need thanks to our geo-positioning search algorithm. With this we will only recommend you the best rated businesses near you.

Local’s Atlas is only about highlighting the best features of the businesses and services offered in the app; therefore, Atlers are encouraged to give only positive feedback to create a community based on respect and good living.

Local’s Atlas is a free application, so everyone is welcome to join our community of Atlers.

Yes, you can choose the one that best suits your needs in the searches you carry out.

In Local’s Atlas you also have the possibility to have friends to share your recommendations or ask them to recommend an excellent business or service through our function of request or chat

You can create your business or offer your professional services in our application by registering your business in the configuration part, you just have to enter the requested data and that’s it, now you are part of our business or service community around the world.

We store your information in our databases in the best way, because we care about the security of your data.

An Atler is a person who has created an account on Local’s Atlas app, this gives them the possibility to explore in the app and find the business or service you need and It is recommended by the community.

Yes, You can create your own business or service, so the community can get to know you better, visit your business and ask for your services, so you can earn referrals and be known by more people in your area.

By recommending a business you help the community find the best places or services near you.

Thanks to our geo-positioning algorithm you will have the best recommendations of businesses and services closer to you.

Local’s Atlas prides itself on having a very friendly and helpful community, if you ask for any business or service the community will respond by offering you the best recommendation.

You must select your business, then on the top right corner you can select the option “claim business”, after that you must enter your email and phone number, then in your smartphone you will get a verification code and you can claim your business.

Have a question for our support team?

Contact us, we will be happy to meet your requirements. Your comments and suggestions help improve the experience of our Local's Atlas community.