Your data is private

We manage privacy policies to control user data,
we promote good privacy practices for your data.

Last Updated: March 9, 2021

Thank you for using Local’s Atlas. We understand the importance of privacy for visitors and users. For this reason, Stern Marc we will always try to use clear language in explaining our Privacy Policy. If you have questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please direct such questions to

Stern Marc, Inc. and Local’s Atlas (collectively, d/b/a “Local’s Atlas,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), is committed to respecting the privacy and security of your personal information. This Privacy Policy describes the information collected on our mobile application, online communication (e.g., emails, texts, etc.) and our website ( (collectively, the “Platform”) and how it is used and protected. This Privacy Policy applies only to the Platform. This Privacy Policy does not apply to information collected or obtained by or through our Platform by third parties.

By using the Platform or by providing your information to us, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use, and any written agreement(s) executed and in effect in connection with any of our products or services. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, please do not access or use the Platform.

Information We Collect

The information we collect and how we use it depends on how you access and use the Platform. We receive information in multiple ways including when you provide information directly to us, when you permit third parties to provide information to us, and when we passively collect information from you, such as information collected from your browser or device. The Platform and related services may require registration for access. As part of registration and in order to provide related services, we ask you to provide us with certain information about yourself.

You may provide us and businesses or people you recommend (collectively, “service providers”) personal information using the Platform in a number of ways (e.g., entering that information into data fields on the Platform when creating an account, when making a recommendation, or in communications with us using the contact information at the end of this Privacy Policy or in the Terms of Use.

The information you provide directly to us may concern you or others and may include, but is not limited to: (a) name; (b) mailing address and addresses where you consider yourself a local; (c) city; (d) state; (e) zip code; (f) country; (g) email address; (h) home or business telephone number; (i) home, business or mailing address; (j) demographic information; (k) date of birth; (l) photographs; (m) geographic location; (n) preferences; and (o) inquiries. It may also include information specific to services you are requesting or offering through the Platform, such as a business name, service description, qualifications and credentials. You are not required to provide us with such information, but certain features of the Platform may not be accessible or available, absent the provision of the requested information. We may collect and use this information in order to deliver personalized services to you and improve our services.

We may also receive personal information from other sources. For example, if you connect your social media account(s) to your account, the social media site may share information with us about your use of their services, including information about your profile, contacts, and viewed or liked content. We encourage you to read the applicable privacy policies for your social media accounts. We shall have no responsibility for the data collection and use practices of those social media sites. We have a Platform features that allows users to connect and communicate with other users or see the preferences of users. If you use these features, please exercise common sense and good judgment. Any personal information that you choose to include in Platform features involving other users can be read, collected, or used by others, or could be used to send unsolicited messages to you.

Public information is that information that you make publicly available through your account or by posting or otherwise communicating via the Platform. User content includes content submitted, posted, uploaded, published, or transmitted on or through the Platform by any registered user or other user of the Platform, including but not limited to photographs, profile information, descriptions, postings, reviews, requests, messages, and payments made through the Platform.

Local’s Atlas may collect, transmit, and store information that tells us about how you use the Platform so that we can analyze its effectiveness and functionality, fulfill your requests, improve the Platform’s quality, engage in research and analysis relating to the Platform, personalize your experience, track usage of the Platform, provide feedback to third party businesses that are listed on the Platform, display relevant advertising, market the Platform, provide customer support, message you, back up our systems, allow for disaster recovery, enhance the security of the Platform, provide you, other users, and service providers with a better Platform experience, and comply with legal obligations. Some of this information is non-personal and does not identify you as an individual (although it may identify your device) and other information is personal and identifies you as an individual so we can improve your experience on our Platform. Like other platforms, we collect and use this information through a variety of technologies, including “cookies” and analysis applications, as discussed below. Even when we do not retain such information, it still must be transmitted to our servers initially and stored long enough to process.

(a) Server Information

Local’s Atlas servers automatically and temporarily store the following information in the server log files. All or some of this information may be deactivated by you in your browser:

  • IP address of the enquiring device

  • File query by the client

  • The http response code

  • The Internet page from which you visited us (referrer URL)

  • The time of the server query

  • The browser type and version

  • The operating system used on the enquiring computer

  • (b) Cookies and Platform Visit Tracking Technologies

As is standard practice on many websites, the Platform may use “cookies” and other technologies to help Local’s Atlas understand which parts of the Platform are the most popular and the preferences of the Local’s Atlas users. Local’s Atlas may also use cookies and other technologies to study traffic patterns on the Platform, to improve its functionality and usability as well as to improve the effectiveness of our communications with users. Local’s Atlas may also use cookies to customize your experience and provide greater convenience to you during your interactions with the Platform.

Our Platform uses cookies to identify the pages that are visited and their frequency. This information is used for statistical analysis only and then the information is permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However, cookies help provide a better service of websites, you are not giving access to information from your computer or about you unless you so want and provide it directly with the information. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however, most browsers accept cookies automatically as it serves to have a better web service. You can also change your computer settings to decline cookies. If you decline, you may not be able to use some of our services.

We may also use local shared objects (also known as “Flash cookies”) to assist in delivering special content, such as video clips or animation. Flash cookies are stored on your device, but they are not managed through your web browser. To learn more about how to manage Flash cookies, you can visit the Adobe website.

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but your browser may allow you to modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer. If you disable cookies, you may be prevented from taking full advantage of the Platform, because it may not function properly. Flash cookies operate differently than browser cookies, and cookie management tools available in a web browser may not affect flash cookies. As we adopt additional technologies, we may also gather additional information through other methods.

Local’s Atlas may use cookies, web beacons, pixel tags, and other technologies that help us better understand user behavior, personalize preferences, perform research and analytics, and improve the Platform. Web beacons and pixel tags may be used by Local’s Atlas to count users who have visited its webpages and for related website statistics (for example, recording the popularity of certain website content and verifying system and server integrity). These technologies, for example, may allow us to tailor the Platform to your needs, save your password in password-protected areas, track the pages you visit, help us manage content, and compile statistics about Platform usage. We also use certain of these technologies to deliver advertisements through the Platform that may interest you. We or our third-party service providers also may use certain of these technologies in emails to our customers to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded.

(c) Location Information

Local’s Atlas is a location-based Platform. We use the location information from your mobile device or browser (e.g., latitude and longitude) so the Platform can use your current location, or a location indicated by you. When you use the Platform, we may collect general location information (such as IP address). If you install our mobile app, we may ask you to grant us access to your mobile device’s geolocation data. If you grant such permission, we may collect information about your precise geolocation, and we may use that information to improve the Platform, including providing you with location-based features (e.g. for identification of businesses near you). To deliver customized content and advertising, we may share your location information with our agents, vendors, or advertisers. If you access the Platform through a mobile device and you do not want your device to provide us with location-tracking information, you can disable the GPS or other location-tracking functions on your device, provided your device allows you to do this.

See your device manufacturer’s instructions for further details. If you disable certain functions, you may be unable to use certain parts of the Platform.

(d) Different Devices

If you use different devices (e.g., your smart phone, laptop, and/or home computer) to access the Platform, we may be provided with and collect device-specific information, including your hardware model, operating system version, unique device identifiers, phone number, location, and mobile network information. We may associate your device identifiers or phone number with your account information

(e) Third-Party Analytics

We may use third-party service providers (e.g., search engines) to collect and analyze information about use of the Platform. These service providers may utilize cookies and related technologies to collect personal information.

(f) Information You Provide Directly to Us

We may collect information from you during your use or access of the Platform, such as, but not limited to:

When you register for an account.

When you submit a recommendation.

When you request a recommendation.

When you fill out any forms.

When you provide content.

When you download or use one of our mobile applications.

When you communicate with us.

Use of Information

We may use your information for any of the following reasons:

  • For the purposes for which you provided it.

  • To present our Platform and related content to you.

  • To enable you to use the services available through the Platform, including registering you for our services and verifying your identity and authority to use our services.

  • To process and track recommendations.

  • To facilitate communications between users.

  • For internal record-keeping purposes.

  • To administer surveys, sweepstakes, promotions, or contests.

  • To track fees and process billing and payment including sharing with third-party payment gateways and payment service providers in connection with the Platform.

  • To provide you with notices about your account.

  • Platform improvement and marketing and promotional purposes.

  • To improve and maintain the Platform and for product development.

  • To address fraud or safety concerns, or to investigate complaints or suspected fraud or wrongdoing.

  • To provide more consistent and personalized services across the Platform, including to personalize our advertising, marketing, and promotional efforts.

  • To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights arising from any contracts entered into between you and us, including for billing and collection.

  • To periodically send promotional emails regarding new products and offers from Local’s Atlas, including other information that may interest you.

  • To notify you about changes to the Platform.

  • For customer support and to respond to your inquiries.

  • For market research purposes, including, but not limited to, the customization of the Platform according to your interests.

  • To contact you about goods and services that may interest you or with information about your use of the Platform.

  • For other research and analytical purposes.

  • To resolve disputes, to protect ourselves and other users of the Platform, and to enforce any legal terms that govern your use of the Platform.

  • For any other purpose with your consent.

We may display information related to your business, including your name or your business’s name, publicly on your profile, except to the extent we tell you we will not display such information. If the information you provide us upon signing up for an account differs from the information you provide us as part of the verification data we collect, we have sole discretion in determining which information will be displayed publicly on your profile. We may combine information that we collect from you through the Platform with information that we obtain from affiliated and nonaffiliated third parties, and information derived from any other products or services we provide.

When Local’s Atlas Discloses Your Information

Unless otherwise described in this Policy, we may also share the information that we collect from you through the Platform as follows:

  • Affiliates. We may share your information with any Local’s Atlas affiliates.

  • Consent. We may disclose your information to nonaffiliated third parties based on your consent to do so. Such consent includes the disclosure of your information (a) in order to provide services or products that you have requested (please see below for more details); (b) when we have your permission; or (c) as described in this Policy, the Terms of Use, or any other legal terms governing your use of the Platform.

  • Third-Party Service Providers. We may provide access to your information to select third parties who perform services on our behalf. These third parties provide a variety of services to us including without limitation billing, sales, marketing, advertising, market research, fulfillment, data storage, analysis and processing, identity verification, fraud and safety protection and legal services. We furnish our service providers the information they need to perform these and other services, and we work with our service providers to respect and protect your information. We may also provide your information to our affiliates. The entities with which we share information may be located in the United States or other countries.

  • Legal Requirements. We may disclose specific information without your consent and without notice to you as required to comply with laws and regulations, or to comply with court orders, subpoenas, or lawful discovery requests. Information collected from you may also be used to investigate security breaches or otherwise cooperate with authorities. We may also share information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation.

  • We may disclose information about you without your consent and without notice to you as required to enforce or apply the Terms of Use, or other agreements, including for billing and collection purposes.

  • Business Transfers. As we continue to develop our business, we may sell, buy, merge or partner with other companies or businesses, or sell some or all of our assets. In such contemplated or actual transactions or where there is any change of control of Local’s Atlas, user information may be among the shared and/or transferred assets.

  • App Store Providers. We may provide your identity and mobile device identifier to third-party app store providers (for example, the Apple App Store) to allow you to download our mobile apps.

Please be advised that some information you provide and/or that we collect will be publicly accessible. For instance, registration for an Account requires that you provide us with your name. If you register through Facebook, the Platform will use the name associated with your Facebook account. Your name (full name, or in some instances, your first name and last initial) may be visible to other users. Depending on the circumstances, your name may be attached to your Content or information. Thus, other users may be able to personally identify you based on Content you provide. Similarly, the information we collect, including but not limited to when you last accessed the Platform, may be shared with other users with whom you are interacting or otherwise made public.

We invite you to post Content on or through our Platform, including, but not limited to, your comments, pictures, user profile, and any other information. However, please be careful and responsible whenever you are online. If you choose to post User Content on or through the Platform that information: (a) may be or may become publicly available; (b) may be collected and used by third parties with or without our knowledge; and (c) may be used in a manner that may violate this Policy, the law, or your personal privacy.

We may disclose aggregated information about our users without restriction and information to enable users requested services. This data cannot be attributed to any specific individual. Local’s Atlas may disclose aggregated user data in order to describe our services to current and prospective affiliates, and to other third parties for lawful purposes.

How Your Information is Protected

Local’s Atlas has implemented reasonable physical, technical, and organizational safeguards to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access, acquisition, or disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Although we strive to keep your personal information secure, no safeguards can be guaranteed to be completely secure, so you should exercise caution when transferring personal and other sensitive information over the Internet. Therefore, we do not promise and cannot guarantee, and thus you should not expect, that your personal information or communications will not be collected, disclosed and/or used by others. Please advise us immediately at the address listed below of any incident involving the loss of or unauthorized access to or disclosure of personal information that is in our custody or control.

Links to Third Parties

The Platform may contain links to other websites or resources over which Local’s Atlas does not have control. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Local’s Atlas of those external websites. You acknowledge that Local’s Atlas is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and further agree that Local’s Atlas is not responsible for the content of such external websites or the protection and privacy of information you provide while visiting such external websites.

Privacy of Minors

The Platform offered and available to users who are 18 years of age or older, reside in the United States or any of its territories or possessions, and can form legally binding contracts under applicable law. By accessing or using the Platform, you represent and warrant that you are of legal age to form a binding contract with the Platform and meet all of the eligibility requirements set forth herein. If you do not meet all of these requirements, you must not access or use the Platform.

Applicable Law

You should be aware that data related to the Platform is hosted, processed, and handled in the United States. We comply with all applicable laws of the United States.

We recognize that the Platform may be accessed from anywhere in the world, and that the laws of the jurisdictions in which some users are located may differ substantially from those of the United States and the State of Florida. Because we cannot practicably prevent users in different jurisdictions from accessing the Platform, you are responsible for knowing and complying with the laws of your jurisdiction. If such laws conflict with your use of the Platform or any of its content or functionality, the Platform is not intended for you, and we ask you not to use it or submit any information through it.

Updating, Deleting, and Correcting Your Information

You can update, correct, and delete certain your personal information by logging in to the Platform and visiting your account. You may also send us an email at to correct or delete any personal information that you have provided to us.

If you request that your account information be deleted or if you unsubscribe from communications, we may maintain information about your transactions or inquiries for future service, recordkeeping, and legal purposes. In some circumstances, a change in or withdrawal of consent may severely limit our ability to provide you information, products, or services. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

This Policy is current as of the effective date set forth above. Local’s Atlas may, in its sole and absolute discretion, change this Policy at any time. Local’s Atlas will post its updated Policy on the Platform. You should review this Privacy Policy when you visit the Platform to understand our current practices. Local’s Atlas encourages you to review this Policy regularly for any changes. Your continued access to or use of the Platform will be subject to terms of the then-current Policy.

We encourage you to refer to this Privacy Policy on an ongoing basis so that you understand our current practices. You consent to any changes we make to this Privacy Policy if you continue to use the Platform after receiving a notice of the change or upon our posting of the new Privacy Policy on the Platform. The date at the top of the page shows when this Privacy Policy was last updated.

Interpretation of this Privacy Policy

Any interpretation associated with this Privacy Policy will be made by our legal counsel. This Privacy Policy includes examples but is not intended to be restricted in its application to such examples, therefore where the word “including” is used, it means “including without limitation.”

This Privacy Policy does not create or confer upon any individual any rights, or impose upon Local’s Atlas any rights or obligations outside of, or in addition to, any rights or obligations imposed by applicable country, state, and other privacy laws, as applicable. Should there be, in a specific case, any inconsistency between this Privacy Policy and applicable privacy laws, this Privacy Policy shall be interpreted in that case to give effect to, and comply with, such privacy laws.

We may attempt to translate this Privacy Policy into other languages for the convenience of users in different countries. Please be advised that the English language version of our Privacy Policy governs the relationship between the user and Local’s Atlas, and any inconsistencies or misinterpretations among the different language versions will be resolved by referring to the English version.

Contact Us

If you have questions or comments about this Privacy Policy or the Platform, please contact us by sending an email to, or by writing to: Stern Marc, Inc., 1435 SW 87 Avenue, Suite 101, Miami, Florida 33174, USA.

Stern Marc, Inc., reserves the right to change the terms of this Privacy Policy at any time.